Home Project Projectไอเดีย แนวทางการทำ Project Select… Business & Real-World Fun & Interesting Personal & Portfolio Productivity Games & Puzzles Tools & Libraries Project Add-Ons Clones Not Sure 15 Tesla Touchscreen Clones Create a Tesla touchscreen UI clone that allows someone to control simulated car features. 15 Zelda UI Clones Create a Zelda Breath of the Wild game UI clone that lets someone select items. 15 Product Hunt Clones Create a Product Hunt clone that lets people post a new product with ratings. 15 StackOverflow Clones Create a StackOverflow clone allowing questions and answers with code snippets. 15 Highlight & Share Project Add-Ons Add a highlight and share feature that shows a share button when someone highlight text. 15 Code Stats Project Add-Ons Add your GitHub profile’s top projects and stats to a website. 15 Analytics Project Add-Ons Add Google Analytics to your webpage to analyze web traffic and performance. 15 Webmentions Project Add-Ons Add webmentions integration to a website that shows Twitter interactions with the website 15 Framework Starter Tools & Libraries Create a Next.js starter that scaffolds a new blog app automatically 15 Custom GitHub Action Tools & Libraries Create a custom GitHub Action that notifies Slack with pull request updates. 15 CSS Animation Library Tools & Libraries Create a CSS library that includes easy-to-use loading spinners and animations. 15 Framework Theme Tools & Libraries Create a Gatsby theme that sets up a project with the Tailwind CSS framework.